Mad Hatter Lesson. Second graders explored the properties of matter in science this week by using various materials to create a hat that would protect their eyes from the sun and keep them dry in the rain.
Students used the Mystery Science website to explore the lesson and used their creativity to develop the hats.

Kansas State Department of Education is requiring all schools to complete nine crisis drills throughout the year. We are having our first crisis drill tomorrow (Thursday, 8/30/18) at 10:00 a.m.
Fall Crisis/Fire/Tornado Drill Dates
Crisis Drill – August 30th @ 10:00 a.m.
Fire Drill – September 5th @ 1:30 p.m.
Crisis Drill – September 26th @ 2:00 p.m.
Tornado Drill – October 4th @ 10:00 a.m.
Crisis Drill – October 22nd @ 9:00 a.m.
Fire Drill – November 7th @ 2:30 p.m.
Crisis Drill – November 27th @ 12:00 p.m.
Crisis Drill – December 17th @ 2:30 p.m.

Our new Principles of Biomiedical Science class is off and running. Last week the students documented and collected evidence from the crime scene. This week they are running tests on the evidence. Their first mission was to analyze the drugs located at the scene to identify what pills were next to the victim. Today they worked with fingerprints to identify whose prints were at the scene as well as how to find special features or minutiae of fingerprints.

Attention current Seniors and Senior parents:
Herington High School will NOT be offering the ACT test to students this fall. HHS seniors wishing to take the ACT this fall will need to register for a test session at another site. Please see Mr. Pritchard for test dates and information.
Current HHS Juniors will be offered the opportunity to take the ACT this Spring, at HHS, at no cost. More information and specific dates to follow for Juniors.

Volleyball Update:
The Lady Railers won match one of the season with Ell-Saline in two sets 25-9 and 25-7.
In the second match of the night the Railers lost a hard match with Goessel in two sets 10-25 and 17-25
Good job Lady Railers! Keep working hard!

Annual Watermelon Feed and Whitewash

Annual Watermelon Feed and Whitewash

We will post additional months as we get them done.

September Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Tower Building. Mrs. Meyer's and Mrs. Mortensen's second graders completed this STEM activity the first week of school. They worked in groups to build towers from marshmallows and toothpicks. The tallest tower was 5.5 inches.

Science Fun. Second graders in Mrs. Mortensen's class investigate the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) bins during science class.

PTO Elementary Fundraiser coming soon!! Fundraiser packets will be sent home Monday! Check your child’s book bag for more information.

Creative thinking. Fifth graders in Mrs. Beames's class used teamwork and critical thinking skills to engineer bridges and towers during the first week of school. The bridges were constructed from paper and tape, and the towers were built using spaghetti and marshmallows.

The football t-shirt order form is open to all community members and is due back to the high school office on August 30th!

The watermelon feed and whitewash has been canceled and will be rescheduled for Monday, August 27th after practice.

Elementary school pictures are scheduled for September 10th!

The year of the beard. New staff taking the leap!

Our elementary staff is back! These “barnyard” team building activities proved there is no doubt they are ready for our Railers to return next week! #growinglearners

More back to school reminders from Herington Elementary:
#3 - Students are welcome to decorate the inside of their locker with theses limitations: no stickers/tape, no magnetic chandeliers.
#4 - Back to School Night will be on Tuesday, August 14th from 5:00-6:30.

Please find these friendly back to school reminders from Herington Elementary:
#1 - We are glad you are you are joining us for the upcoming school year!
#2 - Each student will need a pair of shoes to wear to gym class - they do NOT need to be new (just clean on the bottom).