Mrs. Koehn’s first grade students practice their greater than and less than skills by playing a good old-fashioned game of war! #growinglearners

Anatomy and Physiology students enjoyed a visit from Kristi Ingalls from the American Red Cross. She educated the students on the importance of blood drives and blood donations. Herington High School has their next blood drive on September 21st from 9:30-2:30.

Students are working on blood spatters today in PBS.

Solid, liquid, or gas? Mrs. Mortensen’s second graders can tell you! They even showed off their artistic skills by making some beautiful posters differentiating between the three states of matter! #growinglearners

Mrs. Beames fifth grade class investigated the effects of mold on different foods and in different environments.

Mrs. Beames fifth graders investigate the effects of mold on different foods and in different environments.

Mrs. Gutsch’s third grade students have been very engaged in learning about the life cycle with some caterpillars! #growinglearners

Logan Diekmann placed 1st in the Mission Valley JV Cross Country meet. Time of 23:02.14

Our amazing staff goes all out with everything they do! They wanted to make sure to create an inviting environment for our students as they returned from summer break. Check out their creativity! #growinglearners

Victory formation in Herington! The Railers fought hard to take the lead with 39 seconds left, and held off the Bulldogs for a 36-34 victory over Chase County! Great job Railers!

Football players and cheerleaders greeted HES students as they arrived this morning. If you are able, get out tonight and support the Railers at their first game of the season. #growinglearners

Biology students are working on a daphnia lab today. Different groups changed the temperature of the daphnia’s environment and then recorded its heart rate.

Rise and grind! Our fifth graders are working hard on their DIBELS math assessment on a Friday morning! #growinglearners

There will be a hamburger feed before tonight’s football game vs. Chase County. Meals are $6, and proceeds go to support the After Prom

It was a big night for the Middle School Railer Football team with a 44-32 win over Centre. Great job Railers! Keep up the good work!

Champion hour students working hard in the weight room every morning.

MS Railer Volleyball Update vs. Centre
A Team Girls fought hard in a loss in two sets. B Team picked up a win in three sets. C Team lost with a running clock.
Good job, Girls! Keep Working Hard!

Elementary students are currently selling Scentsy circles to raise money for various activities. Product sales are done by families rather than individual students, and purchases can be made until Sept. 20. Sales packets were sent home earlier this week. Individuals interested in more information about the packet should view the video at this address: https://youtu.be/-FrzHWcHlgA

HES Site Council is seeking volunteers.

Pancakes! Pancakes! Kindergartners learned about measuring and following directions while making pancakes this afternoon! #growinglearners