December breakfast/lunch Menu
Attention MS and HS Students - Letter from Coach Albert
COVID-19 team meeting--The team met last evening and determined the following learning modes:
Herington Elementary students-in person until November 24th
Herington Middle School students-remote learning from November 13th through November 24th
Herington High School students-remote learning continues until November 24th
HHS and HMS practices are postponed until after the USD487 Board Meeting on Tuesday. The earliest we would start practices is Wednesday, November 18th. We will have an update Tuesday night after the Board Meeting. Thank you for your understanding!
Find items that I've picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.
- Shop Now:
- Store Open From: November 5 - November 16, 2020
The Middle School Student Council held a change drive the month of October to raise money for the Elsie Brooks Breast Cancer foundation. The foundation was established to help those and their family in Dickinson County. The students and staffed raised $226.26!
Pictured is the student council President Adrian Harrison and Vice President, Isabelle Ecklund.
Mrs. Linda Polston was surprised when she discovered that her class had been crashed on Wednesday, Nov. 4 while she was in a meeting. During the crash, students made cards for Mrs. Polston and recorded special messages for her. Mrs. Polston has been substituting for Mrs. Amy Gutsch since the beginning of the school year and has made a great impression on students and staff.
Class Crash is an opportunity for Herington Schools to recognize teachers for their outstanding dedication and talents for educating our students. One teacher will be recognized each quarter for their work.
Mrs. Polston's Class Crash -
Seniors, here are a few more scholarships that have come out.
Email or call me if you are needing a transcript.
Mr. Pritchard
Good afternoon, the U S D 487 COVID team has determined that Herington schools will continue to operate in the orange for the upcoming week.. This means that, Preschool through 8th grade students may continue to attend school in person. High school students will remain remote learners for the next week. Please continue to practice social distancing and wearing a mask when in public.
Senior Class Meeting today over Zoom. Senior parents ask your child about the meeting. Orders are due for Jostens Friday, November 13th. Email, Lisa Beye, with any questions.
Congrats to 6th Graders Kenley Kickhaefer and Kylie Dester for winning the Pink Out Day! This event was sponsored by the Middle School Student Council!
This week at HMS
Congratulations to HHS Volleyball Team for their All League Honors.
1st Team Honors - Carrie Roe, Tristyn Kremeier and Halle Rutschman
Honorable Mention Honors - Hannah Pohlman
Coach of the Year Honors - Lisa Beye
Way to go Lady Rails!!
Friday, Oct. 30 was a big day at HES. Students participated in a costume parade in the morning, and took part in the monthly assembly via Zoom. Links to both activities are provided below.
Remote Learner Meal Pick up beginning Tuesday November 3rd--remote learner meals may be picked up curbside in front of the Herington Elementary School from 12:30-1:00 p.m.. Please stay in your vehicle and staff members will deliver the meals to you. Thank you!
The afternoon class at Little Railers had a ghoulishly great time in preschool this afternoon. The following link is a video of them singing Halloween songs in their costumes! #breakingout in costumes!
The AM Class at Little Railers Preschool had a spooky good time at school today! The following link is a video of them singing Halloween songs in their costumes - #breakingout for Halloween Fun!
REMOTE LEARNING: Every student remote delivery
During this time all instructional delivery and learning activities will take place remotely and online.
Instruction: 9-12
• All students will attend their core classes remotely through live Zoom or Google Meet sessions. (ELA, Math, Science, Social Science)
• Elective classes will move to live Zoom/Google Meet sessions or Edgenuity.
• For HS students, Wednesday is typically designated as a project based/competency delivery day with students checking in with their advisory teacher. This Wednesday, November 4th, all classes will meet without Flex Time or PBL time included. Please join classes as you would any other day of the week.
In order for a student to be excused for an absence (both in class and remotely), a parent/guardian must contact the school. If the school doesn’t receive a call and cannot verify the absence, the student will be marked as an unexcused absence.
• Students are expected to sign in to their designated Zoom/Google Meet sessions prior to the start of the class period (if live stream of instruction is happening).
• Cameras must be turned on in order to be counted for attendance.
• Students are expected to remain on the screen for the entire duration of the class.
If your HS student is exhibiting symptoms of illness, we ask that you please call the HS office to report those symptoms. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe and healthy!
Meals will be provided and available for pick up during the Remote Learning Environment. USD 487 will prepare lunch and the following day breakfast for those who desire to pick up the meals between 12:30 pm-1:00 pm each day. If you need a meal, please complete the Remote Learner Meal Request Google Form found on our school's website/Facebook page by 3:30 pm each day. Requests will be for the following day’s meal service. There are no classes scheduled to take place on Monday November 2nd, so meal service will begin on Tuesday November 3rd (please request meal service on Monday by 3:30 p.m. for Tuesday meals, Tuesday by 3:30 p.m. for Wednesday meals, etc.) Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Remote Learner Meal Request Form
Good afternoon, the U S D 487 COVID team has determined that Herington schools will operate in the orange beginning Tuesday November 3rd. This means that, starting next Tuesday, Preschool through 8th grade students may continue to attend school in person. 9th-12th grade students will become remote learners for the upcoming week. This is a slight adjustment to the paperwork you received at the beginning of the year. More information regarding remote learning will be posted on the school’s website, Facebook page, and snail mailed to families of High school students. Please continue to practice social distancing and wearing a mask when in public.
November breakfast/lunch menu