Members of Ms. Clark's advisory have been participating in the "12 days of mindfulness." Today's challenge was to write two letters. Instead, students worked together to make posters to thank essential workers.
HMS and HHS Families,
If you wish to start the second semester as a Remote Learner, please contact your building office as soon as possible.
Reminder SENIOR parents. We would like the Senior Ads before break. Please email with any questions. We have a few spots left and would love to fill them with memories of your senior.
HES Families: Please find attached the winter newsletter. As always, we encourage you to contact the office at 785-258-3234 or e-mail with any questions or concerns.
MS Railer Report
Check your school email. I have sent you some more scholarship links this week.
Mr. Pritchard
-Giving Back To Our Community-
Join Madi Becker and Emma Alt this holiday season as they host a toy drive throughout the town. For the next week, until December 17th, there will be boxes located around town where you have the opportunity to bring joy into your community. Boxes are located at State Farm, The Chamber, Central National Bank, Library and Barnes.
What Kind of Toys?:
ANY! Although we would love to have a toy still in its box, we will accept any toy used or new. All different ages of toys are welcome.
Where Will The Toys Go?:
Depending on the amount of donations, we would love to donate to the follow places:
Toys for Tots
A program created by the marine Corps Reserve that distributes toys to children across the country
Family Resource Exchange (FRE)
A local resource that has provided for our community the last few years
Angel Tree
We would love to adopt a family this holiday season and bring joy to a local family in our community.
When?: Until December 17th
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Madi Becker at 785-466-6538.
November High School Student of the Month
Sophia is the daughter of Mary and Vernon Weber.
She is involved in Volleyball, Basketball, Dance Team, HOSA, FCCLA, FBLA, Drama Club, and Swim Team.
When asked why she thinks she was selected for Student of the Month, Sophia answered,
“I put in the effort to be as good, if not a better student virtually than I am in person. I put in the time to break the awkward zoom silences, communicate with my teachers (maybe a little too much), and support the other students going through change alongside me. Even though I made the best of being online, I was overjoyed to be back in the building when given the opportunity and taking the proper precautions.”
Mrs. Beye feels that Sophia was chosen for Student of the Month because of the way she makes people around her feel. “Sophia is very upbeat and knows when to brighten someone's day. I look forward to her waiting by my door each morning to greet me with a smile on her face and kindness in her heart!”
Congratulations Sophia!
November High School Student of the Month - Sophia Weber
Sophia is the daughter of Mary and Vernon Weber.
She is involved in Volleyball, Basketball, Dance Team, HOSA, FCCLA, FBLA, Drama Club, and Swim Team.
When asked why she thinks she was selected for Student of the Month, Sophia answered,
“I put in the effort to be as good, if not a better student virtually than I am in person. I put in the time to break the awkward zoom silences, communicate with my teachers (maybe a little too much), and support the other students going through change alongside me. Even though I made the best of being online, I was overjoyed to be back in the building when given the opportunity and taking the proper precautions.”
Mrs. Beye feels that Sophia was chosen for Student of the Month because of the way she makes people around her feel. “Sophia is very upbeat and knows when to brighten someone's day. I look forward to her waiting by my door each morning to greet me with a smile on her face and kindness in her heart!”
Congratulations Sophia!
The middle school staff members chose 8th grader, Jaiden Vogt, as the November Student of the Month. Jaiden participates in volleyball, basketball, track, traveling and local softball, swim team, student council, and band. Jaiden feels that she was chosen at Herington Middle School’s student of the month because she is involved in activities in both the school and community; during remote learning she has worked hard to maintain good grades and has good attendance. She also feels that with her being a helpful and caring student, she demonstrates what the Railway should look like.
Jaiden is the daughter of Kristy and Blake Vogt.
HES fifth graders have prepared a digital version of the song Something Wild to share in place of the traditional elementary music program. Please enjoy what we like to call: Once Upon A Digital Program. #breakingout
Attention JH Boy/Girls Basketball Players:
We will begin practice Thursday, December 10th from 3:35-5:30. The following dates are the days we will practice before break: Thursday, December 10; Friday, December 11; Monday, December 14; Tuesday, December 15; and Thursday, December 17. We will not practice over the holiday break and will announce when practices will resume in January. If you have any questions please let Jason Lingenfelser or Lisa Beye know. and
The U S D 487 COVID team has determined that the district will function in the "yellow" starting tomorrow, December 9th. Students can attend instruction in person for grades Preschool through 12. Middle and High school in person learners will follow their regular school schedules. Winter sports practices will begin with potential modifications.
We have extra 2019-2020 yearbooks for sale. $40.00
Contact Lisa Beye if you are interested in buying.
2019-2020 Yearbooks are in!! If you have ordered one and you are in school we will deliver it to you. If you are not in school it can be picked up at the high school office. There are several who have not paid. Cost of the yearbook is $40. There is a ticket in the yearbook that shows record of payment.
HMS Railer Report
KSDE Gating Criteria
The Kansas Department of Education Gating Criteria are used to help determine which learning mode is appropriate for students during the current pandemic. There is also guidance listed regarding activities participation by students, and the ability to allow spectators at events. You were provided a hard copy of this information during our back to school event in August. An electronic copy can also be accessed at:
The data used for this criteria is supplied by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Local/community information is also considered. Student absenteeism criteria is not affected by the location of the learner. Students learning in all environments (remote and in-person) are included in this local data. Students in remote environments are counted present if they are joining the live stream instruction for that particular class period, and participating in the instruction/activities provided. To be clear, there are no adverse effects to the gating criteria by learning in a remote environment. Please email with any questions. Thank you.
If you ordered a sweatshirt or t-shirt, please contact Chesney Clark to arrange delivery! Sad you missed out on this beautiful Christmas opportunity? Don't worry, we have extra! Sweatshirt $20 S-XXL , $12 for T-Shirt S-XXL (Please add $2 for anything over XL). We also have children sizes available upon request! Proceeds go to NHS! Contact Chesney Clark -- or (620) 546-4143 (text or call!)
The U S D 487 COVID-19 team has determined that while our district is functioning in the "orange" category, all students in grades Preschool through 12th have the option to attend school in person. Students in grades 6 through 12 will continue to experience some modifications to their schedules.
Would you like to buy an ad for your Senior in the 2020-2021 Yearbook? You can find the information in the pictures attached. A pdf copy was emailed to each Senior. Ask them to see the pdf copy. Any questions please contact Lisa Beye.