Updated Middle School Basketball
Art Results - Middle School
Art Results
Schedule Change!!!
HMS Basketball will host Centre today starting at 4:00pm
4:00pm HMS B-Team Boys MS Gym
4:00pm HMS A-Team Girls HS Gym
5:00pm HMS B-Team Girls MS Gym
5:00pm HMS A-Team Boys HS Gym
HHS Girls Basketball will host Wakefield tonight. This is a make-up game from Saturday's Centre Tournament.
HHS Varsity Girls 6:30pm HS Gym
Congratulations to the HHS Wrestlers today at Eureka. Benson placed second. As a team they placed eight out of 26. Colson placed 5th. Justin and Cameron both placed fourth.
Update!!! 1/21/23
Due to weather, the HHS girls basketball game scheduled for a 2:00pm start has been canceled!!!
The HHS boys team will play Marion as scheduled. Game time is 3:30pm at Centre High School.
HHS Railer Basketball will be in action tonight at the Centre Tournament!
Lady Railes will play SVHE at 4:00pm
The Railers will play Wakefield at 5:30 pm
The teams will again be in action Saturday starting at 2:00pm.
Good Luck Railers!
HHS Wrestling
HES Families: This is a friendly reminder to please return your “Doughnuts with Grown-Ups” slip with an estimated number of parent/guardians that are planning to attend this event on Friday, February 3rd from 7:30-8:00 a.m. in the HES café and gym. We are wanting to put in an accurate doughnut order and need to do this in the near future so if you could return the slip sent home previously or call the office at 785-258-3234 by the end of the day tomorrow (Friday, January 20th) that would be greatly appreciated!
Bus #1 will be running approximately 30 minutes late this afternoon . Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Mr. Lingenfelser's 6th grade class learning about types of government systems using gummy bears!
HES families are invited to join us for a “Doughnuts with Grown-Ups” event! We are inviting any family members, guardians, or other grown-ups to join their student for breakfast. This will occur from 7:30-8:00 in the HES café and gym on Friday, February 3rd. The HES PTO and staff will be providing doughnuts and juice for any grown-ups and their student that attend this event. Students that are not accompanied by a grown-up will not receive a doughnut or juice associated with this event. HES will be serving regular school breakfast that date (also planning to serve doughnuts) so students not accompanied by a grown-up can purchase a regular breakfast. All students will have the opportunity to eat regular school breakfast that day. Families may bring their own breakfast, also. PTO does need to place the doughnut/juice order prior to this event. Please return the bottom portion of the note that was sent home with the students identifying how many grown-ups will be attending this event so we can get an accurate doughnut order placed. We are requesting that this information is returned to us by Friday, January 20th. Please call the office at 785-258-3234 with any questions.
HMS Basketball
HHS Basketball Tournament Schedule this week at Centre.
FBLA District competition is tomorrow (Monday) at Herington High School. Members are asked to be at school in business attire by 8:15am.
Congratulations to the HHS Wrestlers at the Halstead Meet. Benson taking first, Colson placed second, Justin placed fourth, Cameron placed 5th and Peyton placed 4th. HHS took 5th out of 24 teams. Awesome work Railers!!
FBLA State Officers Sophia Weber and Eleanor Silhan and HOSA State Officer Korey Meier along with FBLA Sponser Lisa Beye, attended the CTSO Citizenship Day in Topeka on Wednesday, January 11th. Sophia spoke in front of the State Board of Education on the importance of CTSO’s in a students individual plan of study.
Korey Meier is working on his Power of One projects Speak out for FCCLA. He has a goal to completing all five Power of modules. In February he will also be running for a District and State officer for FCCLA.
HHS Speech classes researched and constructed paper airplanes as part of a listening and speaking unit. Students had the opportunity to discuss why they chose a particular model and the difficulties they may have encountered while following the online instructions.