Good luck to our seniors and all Lady Railer volleyball this season! We are proud of you. Be sure to subscribe to our channel @hhsstudio24 for more content and for the live-stream video of home games!
over 1 year ago, Chesney Clark
Reminder that we will be having High School Fall Sports Pictures tomorrow after school. Cross Country - 3:30; Volleyball 3:40; Football 4:00. Order forms will be available in the office or at the time of pictures. The attached form can also be printed and turned in with money. Deadline to order Fall Sports Pictures is Friday, September 8th.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Some of the FCCLA members went to Manhattan for the Take Aim conference, then went exploring KSU campus and found some ice cream at Call Hall. Korey was able to represent Herington and District C president.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Fall Event Posters and Foldable Calendars are available for HHS and HMS! Please contact Broadcasting sponsor Chesney Clark at to get yours today or find our table at home VB and FB games! $15 poster $5 foldable
over 1 year ago, Chesney Clark
September Breakfast/Lunch Menu
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
September Breakfast/Lunch Menu
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Morning advisory is off to a running start this year for HHS students! Despite the heat, high school students had a great week!
over 1 year ago, Chesney Clark
HHS Jamboree tonight at HHS - 8:00 pm Come support your Railers
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
The football jamboree is going on as planned with a few minor changes: Start time is now 8:00 pm. There are four teams that are going to be competing however, Herington will only be doing series against Hartford and Burlingame. Come support your Railers as they open their season tomorrow night at Herington. GO RAILERS!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
There are six 2023 yearbooks for sale for $35. See Ms. Levens or email at if you'd like to buy a copy. First come, first serve.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
WE ARE OPENING THE RAILER FAN CLOTH FALL STORE AGAIN!!! Get your Railer items. The store is set to close on September 6th.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Herington Middle School Student Council attended the 1st annual KSHSAA Middle School STUCO Conference at Derby North Middle School. STUCO members had the opportunity to work with other middle school students from around the state of Kansas. They brought back many new ideas to continue building a positive culture at HMS.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Reminder that the Spirit Parade/Watermelon Feed and White Wash has been cancelled for Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Congratulations to HHS students that started the CEO program this morning. Ashley Mascareno and Aiden Souza will be attending the program during the 2023-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Attendance Matters!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Schedules for Fall Events are located on our Website at There is a way to print the google calendar each month. We also have an app herington487 Both of these methods are a good way to keep up on activities happening at Herington Schools.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Good Luck Lady Railers at Council Grove today!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
All freshman attended an information session this morning on developing their electronic portfolio, that they will work on during business essentials and advisory classes this year as well as throughout their high school experience. This electronic portfolio enhances the work they began as 8th graders on the Xello platform and is a part of their Individual Plan of Study (IPS). Students will add volunteer and work experience, resumes, and other college and career-related interests and information to their electronic career portfolio.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Due to Extreme Heat Conditions the following changes have been made for the week of August 20th. HS Football team will be practicing at 6:00 am Monday-Thursday. HS Volleyball Jamboree has been moved to Council Grove on Tuesday instead of at Herington. MS Football Players please bring shorts and gym shoes for football practice. You will be going in the Elementary gym after school. MS Volleyball will go after school in the MS gym. Cross Country has been given their schedule. Thursday we will have the spirit parade and white wash at the regular time it is scheduled.
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Stay Hydrated and bring sunscreen. We will be serving hot dogs, chips, drinks and ice cream from 1-3. We will not be doing burgers!
over 1 year ago, Lisa Beye