This week's Activities at HMS/HHS
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Activities Cancelled Tomorrow - Due to extreme cold the FBLA contest has been moved to a virtual competition. The games against Bennington have been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Congratulations Aidan Thibodeau for all the great things you are doing in FBLA.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
No school today, Friday January 12th. Stay safe everyone!
about 1 year ago, Donalyn Biehler
CANCELATIONS!!!!! Due to the ongoing problem with weather and temperatures the following events have been cancelled and will be rescheduled. Tonight - January 11th - HMS at Wakefield - cancelled - reschedule date being decided Tonight - Little Kid Dance Clinic from 6-8 pm cancelled - Make-up information will be determined Tomorrow - January 12th - HHS vs Solomon Basketball - cancelled - reschedule date being decided
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
HMS Basketball at Wakefield - Thursday, January 11 - as of now these games are still scheduled to play. Details will be shared if a change is made. 5:15 (Old Gym) B-Boys followed by ½ B-Girls 5:30 (Main Gym) A-Girls followed by A-Boys
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Congratulations to our HHS Wrestling Team for placing 9th out of 17 teams this past weekend. Individuals placing were Reid Griffiths 1st, Cameron Svitak 2nd and Peyton Taylor 5th. A special thank you to all that made this home tournament a huge success!!
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
School will start two hours late tomorrow, January 11th. There will be no morning preschool class.
about 1 year ago, Donalyn Biehler
Good evening, there will be no school tomorrow, January 10th. Stay safe and warm.
about 1 year ago, Donalyn Biehler
The High School Basketball game that was to be played tonight against Wakefield at Herington has been moved to Thursday, February 8th. All times will be the same. 1/2 JV at 5:00, followed by Varsity games.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Congratulations to Peyton Taylor for making the 8-man All-Star roster. The game is on Saturday, June 8th in Beloit
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
The Wheat State League scholar's bowl meet at Wakefield that was scheduled for Monday has been postponed to Wednesday, January 10, starting at 4:00. The HHS basketball game on January 9th has been postponed. A make up date is being decided.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
Good morning, due to forcasted weather conditions school will be dismissed at 1 pm today. There will be no afternoon preschool and no evening activities. School will also be closed all day tomorrow, January 9th.
about 1 year ago, Donalyn Biehler
Today's high school scholar's league bowl has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. Also, today's middle school basketball game has been rescheduled to next Monday, January 18th to begin at 4:30 pm. All times of this game will remain the same for next Monday.
about 1 year ago, Kymberley Harper
Homecoming Information - Winter 2024
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
HES has posted job openings for a couple of certified teaching positions that we have open for the 2024-2025 school year! Please encourage any candidates to apply at the Educate Kansas website: Reach out to the HES office at 785-258-3234 if you have any questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to join a great team!
about 1 year ago, Nick Morgan
Activities this week at HHS/HMS - No Middle School games this week. Next week a reminder we will play on Monday, January 8th at Herington and Thursday, January 11th at Wakefield.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
We are looking forward to seeing all of the Railers back tomorrow - Thursday, January 4th!
about 1 year ago, Nick Morgan
Breakfast/Lunch Menu - January 2024
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye
New Year discount on our Sideline Store. You can get to the Sideline Store on our website. Thanks for your support.
about 1 year ago, Lisa Beye