Today’s Senior Spotlight is on Lawson Mueller. Lawson is the son of Paul and Jackie Mueller. During high school he has been involved in FFA and National Honor Society. His future plans are to become an automotive technician. His favorite memory was during his sophomore year, “when I was sitting in Mr. Stover’s shop class and he opened the classroom door and started banging on the wall yelling at Alexander saying, ``What are you doing out here?’ ” His favorite classes in school were ag welding and ag mechanics. The hardest part of not being able to complete his senior year physically is not being able to see everyone, friends and teachers. Lawson’s message to underclassmen is, “don't take the time you have in high school for granted enjoy every moment with your friends because before you know it you will be graduating in the blink of an eye.” He would like to thank all the teachers who have supported him and got him through high school. “It has been a great honor to be around such a great group of people. I will never forget it.” Best of Luck Lawson! #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good Morning, Railers! Here are the HES daily announcements for Friday, May 1, 2020.
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Fourth graders learned about Symmetry today. Students used mirrors to learn about lines of symmetry. #beingallwecanbe
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Take a drive around the school this Friday, May 1st, to honor the Class of 2020. Signs have been placed outside the football field and will remain until this weekend. We will then place them in the yards of the Seniors! Herington Railer Football Field lights will be turned on the next four Fridays in honor of the class. Lights will be on from 8:20 - 8:40 pm. Congratulations Class of 2020! We are Railer Proud!!!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Senior Spotlight is on Griffin Lindsey. Griffin is the son of Edwin Mueller II and Ashley Lindsey. The activities he is involved in are HOSA, CERT, and Track. Griffin plans to become a USAF Pararescue Jumper. His favorite high school memory was throwing a high school gathering at the new lake. The classes he enjoyed were weights and Spanish II. The hardest part of not finishing his senior year at school is, “not being able to bond with my friends and having to miss our senior trip.” Griffin’s message to underclassmen is, “fully appreciate the value of the little things in high school because things may change in an instant. If you don’t like attending school there’s really no point in sulking about it, you’re already forced to be there, so just make the most of it and always do your best, otherwise it really will have been a waste of time.” Best of Luck Griffin! #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good morning, Railers! Here are the HES announcements for Thursday, April 30, 2020.
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
National Honor Society inductions will take place before the end of the school year. NHS is a prestigious and well-earned accomplishment and HHS is proud to have an active chapter for students. Membership and selection information is provided for those that are interested. Herington High School NHS Induction Procedures From the 2019-2020 HHS NHS By-Laws ARTICLE IV: Membership Section 1. Membership in this chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Section 2. Membership in this chapter shall be known as active, honorary, and alumni. Active members become alumni members at graduation. Honorary members are selected at the discretion of the faculty council. Alumni and honorary members have no voice or vote in chapter affairs. Section 3. Eligibility: a. Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be members of the sophomore, junior, or senior class. b. To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been enrolled for a period equivalent to one semester at Herington High School. c. Candidates eligible for election to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. d. Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, and character. ARTICLE V: Selection of Members Section 1. The selection of members to this chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council, which consists of five faculty members appointed by the principal. The chapter adviser shall be the sixth, nonvoting, ex officio member of the faculty council. Section 2. The selection of active members shall be held once a year during the second semester of the school year. Section 3. Prior to the final selection, the following shall occur: a. Students’ academic records shall be reviewed to determine scholastic eligibility. b. All students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., candidates) shall be notified and asked to complete and submit the candidate information form for further consideration. c. The faculty shall be requested to evaluate candidates determined to be scholastically eligible using the official input form provided by the chapter adviser. 2 d. The faculty council shall review the candidate information forms, faculty input, and other relevant information to determine those who fully meet the selection criteria for membership. i.Faculty council will vote on each student based on the criteria of scholastic eligibility, faculty input, and the candidates understanding and application of service, leadership, and character. ii.If the faculty council does not feel the student follows the foundational components of NHS - Service, Leadership, and Character - the student will not be considered for induction into NHS. *Examples of this could be but are not limited to: questionable service projects (no proof of service completed), a lack of leadership qualities and skills, and a question of character based on outside activities or punishments associated with alcohol, drugs, or other illegal activity. Each candidate will be evaluated for each of these components as well as their scholastic achievement and teacher evaluations. Section 4. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony. Section 5. An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers from this school will be given an official letter indicating the status of their membership. Section 6. An active member of the National Honor Society who transfers to this school will be automatically accepted for membership in this chapter. The faculty council shall grant to the transferring member one semester to attain the membership requirements and, thereafter, this member must maintain those requirements for this chapter in order to retain their membership.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Senior Spotlight is on Jacob Howe. Jacob belongs to George and Tracy Thiel (grandparents) Jason Howe (Father) and Michelle Howe ( Step-mother). During high school he has been involved in FFA, Basketball, Football and Track. His future plan is to attend college and become a game warden. When asked his favorite school memory, Jacob said, “when Mr. Bogess's class made the whole school smell like a pine tree and also when Mrs. Vinduska took us to the psychology conference at McPherson College.” His favorite classes in school were weights, welding, creative writing, and psychology. “Getting all your work done and also making sure it’s turned in cause everyone knows how technology works,” has been the hardest part about not physically being in school during this time. Jacob’s message to underclassmen is, “please make your senior year last cause it goes by fast and treasure the memories that you have of high school so when you look back in your later years you can laugh about it to your kids.” Congratulations Jacob! #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good Morning, Railers! Here are the announcements for Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Have a good day!
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Today’s spotlight is on Senior Kyla Haws. Kyla is the daughter of Stephanie Haws, Brett and Kylie Haws. During high school Kyla has been involved in Cross Country, Volleyball, Track, Cheerleading, Fall Homecoming Queen, FCCLA, HOSA, FFA, Tree Huggers and Student Council. After graduation she plans to attend Emporia State University to major in elementary education. Her favorite high school memories included anytime she was cheering on Friday nights for the football team. “I love getting a touchdown, doing Railer Dance as our wonderful band played and watching the crowd go wild.” Her favorite class was Forensics with Ms. Clark. “No matter what kind of day Ms. Clark was having, she was always someone happy and positive to be around.” The hardest part of not physically being in school is missing out on prom and looking forward to giving graduation invites to friends and goodbyes to teachers. Her advice to underclassmen: “know how important it is to not only finish strong, but start strong as well. Whether it be with grades, or attending events, involve yourself as much as possible to provide the best high school experience for yourself. Go sit in the student section at home games. Go to prom. Dress up for spirit week. Your classmates and friends work hard in these areas, and your support means more to them than you realize. Take the time to give back to others even if it’s in a small way. Make your time matter.” Best wishes Kyla! #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good morning, Railers! These are your daily announcements for Tuesday, April 28, 2020. Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Last week the kindergarten students read a story about a magic hat. During the week each student designed and created their own hat to wear. At the daily Zoom meeting the children each took a turn to explain how they made their hat and what magic powers the hat provided. #beingallwecanbe
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Our senior spotlight today recognizes Gene Hanson. Gene is the son of Sherrie Hanson and Jeff Casto and J.P. and Brandy Hanson. His plans after high school are to attend Fort Hays State University for Pre-Veterinarian. While in high school Gene has been involved in FFA, FBLA, HOSA, NHS, and Ag Ambassador for Kansas Farm Bureau. His best memory of high school was tailgating the night before the Herington Volleyball Tournament, and the tradition of cooking breakfast the morning of the tournament. His favorite class in high school was Homeroom/Seminar because he felt he became so close to the people in the class. When asked what he missed most about the fact of not physically being in school, his response was, “not getting to go to state competitions and talk to all the friends I have made through the years.” His advice to underclassmen is, “if there is an opportunity, take it, even if it takes work it can help you experience life in a new way and help you meet some life long friends.” Gene would like to thank all the teachers, all the way back to elementary, who helped him along the way. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you!” Congrats Gene and best of luck. #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good Morning, Railers! Here are the Herington Elementary School announcements for Monday, April 27. Have a great day!
over 4 years ago, DeAn Knopp
The HHS drama club is excited to announce they will be doing a virtual play in May! Yes, you read that right! More on how this will work later. But if any students are interested, they are to contact Mr. Hirsch. Tonight at 8 pm instead of musical movie friday, they will be reading through some choices. So if any HHS student wants to join in contact Mr. Hirsch, Jessica Mascareno, or Madi Becker. They are excited to make more memories for students and the community during these unprecedented times!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
It's not too late!!! Virtual cheerleading tryouts will be held on April 30th for all eligible girls going into 9th -12th grade. Contact Traci Alt for details/routines at or text her at 602-319-5458
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Today’s senior spotlight features senior Logan Foust. Logan is the granddaughter of Dale and Rita Hull and the daughter of Joni Foust. During high school Logan has been involved in Choir, Volleyball, Cheer, Dance, FCCLA and HOSA. Her favorite high school memory was when we won the game against Rural Vista her freshman year. Her favorite classes were any taken with Ms. Clark. When asked the hardest part of not currently being in school she replied, “Not getting to have Prom.” Best of luck Logan! #railerproud
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Week of April 27 Meal Menu
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Beye
Our next senior spotlight would like to feature Hunter Demanett. He is the son of Tony and Chardy Magnett, and Jace and Kelsy Demanett. During high school he was involved in FFA, Cheerleading, Track, Vocal, T.N.T. Group, Lutheran Youth Group, Tri-County Chamber Fun Committee, Herington Hearts Core Community Volunteer, and Broadway Block Party Volunteer Committee. Hunter plans to attend Project Search in Salina after graduation. His favorite high school memory was “when I got to ask Madi Becker to Prom my Junior Year in front of the entire high school during a basketball game.” Mr. Hager’s Ag class was his favorite. “I sure do miss him!” Hunter said. The hardest part for Hunter to get used to not physically being at school he said was, “ I miss everything except the early mornings. I miss going to the pre-school to help the little kids, I miss going to Pizza-Hut in the afternoons and working, I miss seeing the office ladies and making them laugh. But most of all I miss my friend and teacher Mr. Harbaugh.” His message to underclassmen would be “Don’t worry so much about other people’s opinions of you, Be you and have fun doing it!” Hunter would like us to know “when I moved back to Herington my 8th grade year I was nervous because I didn't have a good time at my old school. But on my first day I met a new friend. His name was Brian and he was my bus driver. He recognized that I was different from the other kids and that I might need a bit more guidance. He gave me that and so much more. I will really miss not seeing his smiling face every day as I move on into adulthood. I will always have a high five ready for him when I see him out and about.” Best of Luck Hunter! #railerproud
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good Morning, Railer! Here are the HES announcements for Thursday, April 23. Have a great day!
almost 5 years ago, DeAn Knopp