HHS Speech and Drama traveled to Marion to compete on Thursday. The places are pictured below. Overall the team took 3rd place! 🥉 🎭
13 days ago, Miss Rookstool
Good luck to our Archery Team at their home meet today.
14 days ago, Lisa Beye
Henry, Ethan, and Isabelle went to the Congressional Debate National Qualifier yesterday. Competing against dozens of bright students from West KS schools, Henry received 11th Place in the House, Ethan 13th in the Senate, and Isabelle 15th in the Senate. While these places don’t qualify for the national tournament it is possible that others defer later on and they get a chance to go. Great job, we are proud of you for trying something new!
14 days ago, Lisa Beye
Congratulations to our middle school wrestlers for a successful season. They ended their season at the Chase County Meet. Those placing were: Braxton Pigorsch 2nd Place Jocelyn Lawrenz 1st Place Aiden Shields 2nd Place Landen Spence 4th Place Isaac Macias 1st Place Tyson Schlesener 2nd Place Malakai Stroda 4th Place Mason Faulkner 2nd Place GREAT JOB and SEASON!!
15 days ago, Lisa Beye
Dear HMS Parents, here is the daily update I wanted to share of classroom assignments for HMS students. Please take a moment to check in with your child to ensure they are working on the assignments listed for their respective grade levels. Your support in helping them stay on track is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your continued partnership!
15 days ago, Gregg Hackerott
Students from the Junior and Senior classes spent some of their advisory time on Wednesday's to learn how to dance in preparation for prom. They learned the two-step and swing dance, and they were able to teach each other along the way. It was a blast for both students and teachers.
16 days ago, Chesney Clark
Dear HMS Parents, I missed a day but here is the daily update I wanted to share of classroom assignments for HMS students. Please take a moment to check in with your child to ensure they are working on the assignments listed for their respective grade levels. Your support in helping them stay on track is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your continued partnership!
17 days ago, Gregg Hackerott
Herington High School has an opening for a paraeducator position. This is a USD 305 CKCIE cooperative paraeducator position (these positions report for duty on site at Herington High School but are employed through USD 305). If you are interested in applying please follow the link below: https://www.applitrack.com/usd305/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Support+Staff&subcategory=Paraeducator+for+Sped Click on the Apply button under the "Paraeducator - USD 487 Herington Unified School District" tab (you will need to scroll down and the Herington tab is located about halfway down the web page). Please call HHS 785-258-2261 with any questions!
18 days ago, Kymberley Harper
HHS Para
FCCLA, FBLA and HOSA are selling pies!!! See a member to order.
18 days ago, Lisa Beye
Did You Know? #DYKKansasKids
19 days ago, Donalyn Biehler
DYK Sped
High School Golf and Track practices begin today after school. Middle School Track practice begins Wednesday after school.
19 days ago, Lisa Beye
Now Hiring Early Childhood Full-time Lead Teacher (Older toddler/Preschool) – The childcare full-time teacher will work closely with the other teachers in conducting daily duties such as serving meals, planning and delivering lessons, writing daily reports, supervising children during outdoor activities, assisting to put children to sleep, and creating a safe environment. Job Type: Full-time Pay: From $13.00 per hour This position is benefits eligible (health, dental, and retirement). Location: Herington Community Childcare Center (USD 487) Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30-4:30 pm This will be a year-round (12 month) job. Qualifications: High school diploma or equivalent Background verification check 18 hours of clocked KDHE approved trainings within 30 days of hiring. Will provide CPR and first aid trainings. Health assessment on file Complete and pass a physical and TB skin test Applications can be picked up at the USD 487 Board of Education office at 19 N Broadway
21 days ago, Donalyn Biehler
Good Luck HMS Wresters!
21 days ago, Lisa Beye
Our apologies for the list of wrestlers being left off the program last night at the Winter Awards. We are beyond proud of our wrestling program and the success they have in our school! You are a great example of hard work and dedication. Great season HHS Wrestlers and Coaches. Aidan Johnson Ty Braucher Josh Baehr Hunter Matthews Dakarai Melcher Kyley Sly Korbyn Gentz Reid Griffiths Ethan Urbanek Colten Gehrke Cameron Svitak Trent Nuss Gabe Gardner Manager Taegyn Gentz Manager Raquel Lawrenz Head Coach: Nate Lawrenz Assistant Coach: Ryan Batchman
22 days ago, Lisa Beye
Herington High School FBLA spent the afternoon doing activities with some residents at the Legacy of Herington.
22 days ago, Lisa Beye
Dear HMS Parents, here is the daily update I wanted to share of classroom assignments for HMS students. Please take a moment to check in with your child to ensure they are working on the assignments listed for their respective grade levels. Your support in helping them stay on track is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your continued partnership!
22 days ago, Gregg Hackerott
Free Early Childhood Screening at Herington Elementary School Developmental screenings for children ages birth to five will take place on Thursday, April 17h at Herington Elementary School. The screening is provided free of charge and will assess cognitive, motor, language, and social development as well as provide hearing, vision, and dental screenings. Please use the following Sign-Up Genius links to reserve a screening time for your child: Sign-Up Genius link for children aged 0-3 (not turning 3 before June 30th) https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A44ABAD22A6FFC70-55419314-birth Sign-Up Genius link for 3-year-old children (turning 3 on or before June 30th) https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A44ABAD22A6FFC70-55089120-early If you have a child that will turn four before August 31st, 2025 and you are interested in the Little Railers Preschool program at the elementary school, please make an appointment to have them screened. Parents will have the opportunity to complete an application for Little Railers Preschool at (or before) the screening. The screening is a required part of the application process for the HES Little Railers Preschool program. There are fee and grant based spots available in the program for those who qualify. Contact Miss Mayes or Dr. Morgan at the elementary school with any questions at 785-258-3234 or if you need support getting a time reserved for your child to complete the screening.
22 days ago, Jennifer Duenas
Winter Awards tonight in the HS gym at 6:30.
22 days ago, Lisa Beye
John participated at Job Olympics in Manhattan. He competed in custodial, gift basket assembly, mail sorting, and stocking shelves. He placed 1st in gift basket assembly and custodial. He placed 2nd in mail sorting!
23 days ago, Lisa Beye
Dear HMS Parents, here is the daily update I wanted to share of classroom assignments for HMS students. Please take a moment to check in with your child to ensure they are working on the assignments listed for their respective grade levels. Your support in helping them stay on track is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your continued partnership!
23 days ago, Gregg Hackerott