Middle School Football defeats Bennington 36-0! Great job, Railers!
over 6 years ago, Matt Fox
Middle School Volleyball vs. Bennington: A Team loses in two sets B Team wins in two sets C Team finished up with a running clock Great job, girls! Keep working hard!
over 6 years ago, Matt Fox
Principles of Biomedical Science students have began work on DNA. Today, they are building a 3-D model of DNA.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Spirit Week at HMS (9-25 to 9-28) Tuesday---Pajama Day Wednesday--Color Wars Day 6th--Black 7th--Red 8th--Blue Staff--Green Thursday--Celebrity Day Friday--Railer Pride Day
over 6 years ago, Julie Albrecht
A college financial aid adviser will be giving a presentation on all things related to financial aid resources, including FAFSA information, for college bound students. Parents of senior students are highly encourage to attend. The presentation will be held on October 10th at 6:30 pm in the Herington Elementary cafeteria. Please use this link to see an overview of the financial aid process. https://www.youtube.com/user/FederalStudentAid
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Jeff Yalden will be a guest speaker in our area on November 13, 2018 and will share his message and expertise concerning positive mental health and suicide prevention. He has toured in all 50 states and 49 countries to spread his inspirational message. He will be presenting in White City at 8:15 am, in Hope at 10:30am, and Herington High School at 1:00pm and will also facilitate a parent and community member session at 6:30pm in Herington’s Elementary gym. If you would like more information on Jeff Yalden, please visit his website: http://www.jeffyalden.com/
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Principles of Biomedical Science students have began work on DNA. Today, they are building a 3-D model of DNA.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Science Girls
Elementary parents - please join us tonight for our Title I information meeting from 5:00-6:00 in the Flex Lab!
over 6 years ago, Nick Morgan
Bracket for Herington Invitational Volleyball Tournament
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Sheryl Beeman put together an excellent example to demonstrate her understanding of the basic tenants of geometry from Chapter 1 for Mrs. Griffiths' class. Sheryl used popsicle sticks, cardboard, and colorful puff balls to display her knowledge of the vocabulary as well as the postulates.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
HHS is hosting a blood drive this Friday September 21st in the high school gym.  We have a few time slots still available if you would like to donate.  If you are 17 or older you can go to redcrossblood.org to sign up or contact Michele Clore (mclore@usd487.org) who will work with you to make an appointment.  Don’t forget to eat breakfast and stay hydrated before and after you donate.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
HS Volleyball at Little River: Varsity loses match one in three sets. JV wins in two sets Varsity rebound to win an intense match two. Great job, Ladies! Keep working hard!
over 6 years ago, Matt Fox
Herington Cross County Team competed well in Marion today. Will compete next Thursday at Council Grove Lake.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Just a reminder that the HES fundraiser ends this week.
over 6 years ago, DeAn Knopp
2017-2018 yearbooks have arrived. They are on sale for $20. Contact the school office if you are interested in purchasing.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Attention kindergarten parents! We need you to please complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire by Wednesday, September 19 if you haven't already done so. This is very important for our data tracking! This should only take a few minutes and can be completed on your mobile device. Please find the links below: ASQ 3: https://www.asqonline.com/family/be3649 ASQ SE 2: https://www.asqonline.com/family/2fbdee
over 6 years ago, DeAn Knopp
Mrs. Griffiths' geometry classes were asked to demonstrate their understanding of the basic tenants of geometry from Chapter 1. Each student created a model and explained the concepts in a presentation. Pictured is Makayla Stiles with her model using pipe cleaners, stones, and popsicle sticks.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
McKenzie Shippy, District III FBLA Vice President, spent the morning at the State Board Meeting at Emporia State. Good Job representing Herington FBLA at the state level.
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
Kitchen staff busy making a new menu item - homemade enchiladas!
over 6 years ago, Lisa Beye
kitchen 2
kitchen 3
kitchen 4
The Railers get the victory tonight against Rural Vista tonight 88-40! Great Job, Boys! Keep up the good work!
over 6 years ago, Matt Fox