Game schedule for tonight's High School Basketball Games at Elyria Christian High School.
Schedule for the night:
4:00 JV Girls (4 - 6 min quarters)
5:00 JV Boys (4 - 6 min quarters)
6:00 Varsity Girls
7:30 Varsity Boys

Friday's HS Basketball games vs Solomon will be held at Herington High School. Games start at 4:00 pm. Go Railers!
Order of Play:
High School Gym Elementary School Gym
JV Boys 4:00
Varsity Girls 5:30 C Boys
Varsity Boys 7:00 ½ JV Girls

The Junior Railers drop two hard fought games to Centre tonight. The boys lose 30-31 and the girls come out on the short end 18-23. Both teams fought hard. Next action is for the Railes is Thursday at Herington vs Wakefield.

HES Families: Happy new year! We continue to have amazing things going on Herington Elementary School. On January 17th from 6:00-8:00 we will be having this year’s Literacy Night where we will be learning about inventions and entrepreneurs. Please be on the look out for our registration form coming home soon about this big event. We really hope to see you there!
Later this month, on January 23rd, the staff members will be having their monthly data analysis meetings. During this time, the students in each grave level will be working with the DK County Extension Agency and Mrs. Hanschu to make bread and butter for the upcoming Kansas Day (Jan. 29th). In order to make this successful, the Extension Agency has requested parent volunteers to help out each grade level. Here are the times each grade will be doing this:
Kindergarten/First Grade - 8:30-10:30
Second Grade/Third Grade - 1:30-3:30
Fourth Grade/Fifth Grade - 10:30-12:00, 1:00-1:30
Please let us know ASAP if you can help out by calling 785-258-3234 or e-mailing nmorgan@usd487.org. #beingallwecanbe

January Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Carrie Roe, Megan Mortensen and Adviser, Lisa Beye are spending the day at FBLA State Officer Interviews at Eudora High School. Megan is running for District III Vice President and Carrie is running for State FBLA President. Best of luck in this process.

The Jr. High basketball games will be at Centre. Games are scheduled as follows:
● A Girls Game (Main Gym) 5:00 PM
● B Boys Game (New Gym) 5:00 PM
● A Boys Game (Main Gym) 6:00 PM
● B Girls Game (New Gym) 6:00 PM
● C Girls Game (Main Gym) 7:00 PM Full C
● C Boys Game (New Gym) 7:00 PM Full C

Congratulations to Jr. Matthews for making the Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association’s weekly 321a Wrestling Rankings at #6 for 220!

The Railers wrestled well at St. Mary’s tonight. The results are as follows:
Ayden Lawrenz 3-0
Clint Haws 1-2
Jr Matthews 3-0

The middle school staff members chose 7th grader, Leslyn Kremeier, as the December Student of the Month. Leslyn participates in band, volleyball, basketball, track, and travel volleyball. Leslyn feels that she was chosen as the student of the month because she follows the Railway expectations, does her best in the classroom and in sports. She turns in her work on time and is always willing to help others in the classroom.
Leslyn is the daughter of Chris and Christine Kremeier.

Railers MS Basketball drop games to Goessel. Girls lose 23-39 and the boys drop a close one 28-31.

Friday, Dec. 20th
High School Basketball at Canton-Galva.
4:30 Boys JV HS Gym
6:00 Girls Varsity HS Gym ½ C-Team Boys JH Gym
7:30 Boys Varsity HS Gym

High School December Student of the Month
Megan Mortensen is the daughter of Amy and Jeff Mortensen.
Megan believes she was chosen because “I am always working hard in everything I do, and try to stay focused and on task as much as I can. I strive to encourage others to be the best they can in everything they do.”
Megan is a sophomore at Herington, who involves herself in: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, FBLA, Scholars Bowl, Drama Club, and Band.
Mrs. Beye believes “Megan was chosen for Student of the Month because she works hard in the classroom and is always willing to go above and beyond to help where needed. She is very self motivated and will get tasks done on her own without being told. Megan has a very friendly and honest personality that will get her far. She is very deserving of this honor.”

Tonight is the 6-12 Band and Vocal Concert at the High School gym starting at 7:00 pm.

January Breakfast and Lunch Menu

MS Games at Goessel, Thursday, December 19
4:30 B girls in JH Gym; B boys in HS Gym
5:30 A girls in JH Gym; C boys in HS Gym
6:30 A boys in JH Gym; 1/2 C girls in HS Gym

The Middle School Basketball games scheduled at Bennington today have been postponed. We are looking at dates in January to reschedule the games. Go Railers!

Good evening, there will be no school tomorrow for USD 487 students due to inclement weather. Please stay safe and warm.

High school girls basketball coaches rockin the season!

Today's Basketball Tournament Schedule! Railer Boys will play at 2:00pm and the Railer Girls will play at 3;30pm.