Middle School Volleyball Herington A vs Rural Vista Herington won 25-7, 25-8 Great Job Lady Railers!!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Join us on facebook live on the USD487 facebook page and follow the Middle School A Team Volleyball and Football games at 4:30 and 6:00 respectively. Be patient as this is our first broadcast.
over 4 years ago, Gregg Hackerott
Good evening, Herington schools have established a COVID-19 team of individuals consisting of administrators, our school nurse, board of education members, parent representatives, and the Dickinson County Health officer. This team will meet every other week to review our County metrics related to COVID-19. They will make a determination about which learning format to make available to all students for the following 2 weeks. The first meeting took place last evening and it was determined that U S D 487 may continue to operate in the “green”. This means that preschool through 12th grade students will be able to attend in person for the next two weeks. Learning format information does not affect families that have chosen remote learning, they may continue to be remote learners. Specific information regarding changes in activities or other expectations related to learning formats can be found on the Kansas Schools Gating Criteria document that was shared with your family at our Stop, Drop, and Roll event. A digital copy can be located on our website under the documents tab of the menu. Learning format information will be shared using this automated calling system, the school web page, and the U S D 487 Facebook page each time the COVID-19 team meets. In the case of a learning format change from in-person to hybrid, or remote for all students, staff members will work to ensure students have the necessary materials to continue learning in the “new” format.
over 4 years ago, Donalyn Biehler
Tonights Middle School Volleyball and Football Games!!! Each student athlete and coach for Volleyball may have 4 guests attend tonight's contest. Each student athlete and coach for Football and Cheer may have 6 guests attend tonight's contest. Please let the gate workers know which athlete or coach you are there to support!!
over 4 years ago, Gregg Hackerott
Prepackaged items only sold at the concessions. Below is a list of items we have. Some will be changed out from time to time
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Saturday Centre Quad Information At Centre
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Friday Night Homecoming Game/Senior Night vs Goessel 6:30 - Recognition of Seniors - Parents and Seniors of Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Band, Cheer and Dance meet on the track at 6:20 7:00 - Kick off Homecoming Ceremonies at half-time of the game Go Railers!!!!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
8th Grade Recognition tonight at Herington Volleyball Schedule - Played in High School Gym - vs Rural Vista 4:30 - A Team 5:20 - 8th Grade Recognition 5:30 - B Team 6:30 - C Team Football Schedule 5:50 - 8th Grade Recognition 6:00 - Football vs Rural Vista
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Good Luck to the Cross Country runners tonight as they travel to Melvern Lake. Girls race at 5:00 and Boys race at 5:30. Go Railers!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
The Lady Railers had a great night of volleyball at Solomon. The JV gained some valuable experience, and the Varsity defeated Rural Vista and Centre in two sets each. Great job, ladies! Go Railers
over 4 years ago, Matt Fox
Herington High School and Middle School Activity Guidelines!!! Tickets to enter the game will be organized through the student athletes and coaches. Go Railers!!!
over 4 years ago, Gregg Hackerott
This week the middle school Student Council is sponsoring spirit week for the Fall 2020 Homecoming! Wednesday is class color war: 6th grade-pink 7th grade-red 8th grade-blue Thursday-Dress to Impress Friday- Railer Pride If any remote learners participate in the spirit days, please email a picture of yourself in your spirit day outfit to Ms. Hawkins at ahawkins@usd487.org Students, please remember all outfits need to be school appropriate!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Volleyball travels to Solomon tonight for their first night of league play. 4:00 JV vs Rural Vista 5:00 V vs Rural Vista 6:00 JV vs Centre 7:00 V vs Centre Good Luck Lady Railers!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
HES Families: We have had a terrific first week and a half! We are so proud of our students and how well they have responded to the new procedures and protocols. It has been a great feeling to have everyone back together again. It is homecoming week at Herington High School so the HES students are welcome to show off their school pride. Participation is completely optional! Here are the spirit days: Tuesday, September 8th – Crazy Sock Day (wear fun/unique socks) Wednesday, September 9th – Pajama Day (come as you are – wear your PJs) Thursday, September 10th – Neon Day (wear bright clothes) Friday, September 11th – Railer Day (wear your Railer gear or Maroon and Orange) Go Railers!
over 4 years ago, Nick Morgan
Railers start the season with a huge win vs Centre 56-10. Keep up the good work!!
over 4 years ago, Gregg Hackerott
Railers lead Centre 20-2 at the half!
over 4 years ago, Gregg Hackerott
USDA extends Summer Food Service program through December 31, 2020 or until funds run out. USD 487 has recently been informed that we may continue serving meals to our enrolled students under the Summer Food Service program guidelines. This means that all enrolled students in our district will receive breakfast and/or lunch for free each school day, regardless of their current food service payment status. This includes in-person and remote learners. The district will begin serving the meals without charge on September 8th, 2020. Remote learners can utilize curb side pick-up at the elementary school between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. each day that school is in session. Please contact the district office at 785-258-2263 if you have questions about this service.
over 4 years ago, Donalyn Biehler
Support your local CTSO Program (FCCLA, HOSA, FFA and FBLA) We can not do door to door sales but we can have people come to us at Herington Elementary parking lot. September 11th and 12th.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
https://youtu.be/2CgXulFLRQU Please subscribe to our school YouTube channel! Thanks for your support!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye
Mrs Mein’s Culinary did a little Farm to Table Demo. We used fresh tomatoes from the Hydroponic plants from ag classes that were planted this summer and harvested today. We also used garden grown zucchini and squash. To make a veggie stir fry. They even had a remote learner watching in from the computer as Mrs. Mein demonstrated how to cook. Some kids like it some did not...
over 4 years ago, Lisa Beye