The Early Childhood Development and Services pathway focuses on the careers relating to meeting the needs of children (birth to age five), be they providers in home, community, educational or institutional settings and includes child growth and development, nutrition, recreation, planning and supervising learning activities; child abuse and neglect prevention, working with parents and the legal and administrative requirements of the field. Careers range from preschool teacher to child care center manager.
This pathway will prepare students to enter the workforce ready to participate as leaders in a broad range of careers and further their education.
The classes for this pathway are below. They are designed to build on each other and should be taken in the order specified.
Career & Life Planning 22207
Grade 8 Elective Semester
Self-Management courses introduce students to the skills and strategies helpful in becoming more focused, productive individuals. These courses typically emphasize goal-setting; decision-making; managing time, energy, and stress; and identifying alternatives and coping strategies. They may also allow students to explore various career and lifestyle choices.
Orientation to Early Child Develpment 19051
Grade 9-12 Elective Year
Child Care courses provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of children from birth through childhood. Main topics include the fundamentals of working with infants, toddlers, and older children; providing healthy environments; evaluating child care settings; and the practices, regulations, and opportunities in the child care industry. Often, Child Care courses provide students with practical experience in a child care center. Advanced topics may include various learning theories; development of activities; operation of a child care center; recognition of childhood diseases, abuse, and neglect; and first aid/emergency training.
Human Growth and Development 45004
Grade 9-12 Elective Semester
Human Growth and Development A provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of humans from conception to old age, with a special emphasis on birth through school age. Course content will provide an overview of life stages, with a strong tie to prenatal and birth processes; fundamentals of children's emotional and physical development; and the appropriate care of children.
Foundations to Early Childhood Development 10952
Grade 9-12 Elective Year
Child Development classes provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development of children from conception to pre-school age, emphasizing the application of this knowledge in child care settings. These courses typically include related topics such as the appropriate care of infants, toddlers, and young children.
Family Studies 22208
Grade 10-12 Elective Semester
Family Living courses emphasize building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships among family members and other members of society. These courses often emphasize (but are not limited to) topics such as social/dating practices, human sexuality and reproduction, marriage preparation, parenthood and the function of the family unit, and the various stages of life. They may also cover topics related to individual self-development, career development, personal awareness, and preparation for the responsibilities of a family member and wage earner.
Early Childhood Application 19098
Grade 12 Elective Year
Child and Elder Care Workplace Experience courses provide students with work experience in fields related to caring for others. Goals are typically set cooperatively by the student, teacher, and employer (although students are not necessarily paid). These courses may include classroom activities as well, involving further study of the field or discussion regarding experiences that students encounter in the workplace.
College Agreement: Pittsburg State University
A student completing this pathway and attending Pittsburg State University will be awarded 1 college credit of FCS 100: Career Maagement in Family & Concumer Science.
For more information please visit with the high school counselor.